Odor Control

Unpleasant odor can be embarrassing and some can be hazardous to your health. Air fresheners, powders and deodorizers temporarily mask the source of the odor. You need professionals to eliminate your unpleasant odor. PSI Cleaning and Restoration, Inc.® can provide you with this service!

Our Services

Included in our services for Odor Control, we:

  • Evaluate/scope the affected area.
  • Identify and eliminate the source of the odor.
  • Clean and deodorize the contaminated/affected area.
  • Seal the surface of the contaminated/affected area.

Our Procedure

Odor Control is to neutralize or change an existing odor. There are seven types of odors:

  • Camphor (Ben Gay/Vicks)
  • Ether (Rubbing Alcohol)
  • Floral
  • Musky
  • Peppermint
  • Pungent (Intense/Overwhelming)
  • Putrid (Rotten/Decay)

Once our technician has determined the source of the odor, he/she can implement the specific cleaning and deodorizing procedure. Occasionally, it is necessary to seal the surface exposed to the source of the odor by using a pigmented/clear alcohol-based shellac or acrylic sealant. However the method used, PSI Cleaning and Restoration, Inc.® will leave you with a breath of clean and fresh air!

Contact Item

Contact Us

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
8am – 5pm

Service Hours:



15037 Farm Creek Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22191

Contact Numbers:

Phone: 703-497-4007
Toll Free: 866-497-4007
Fax: 703-497-3103

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